The Polden Wheel

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Electoral Roll 2025

What is a Church Electoral Roll?

Being on the Church Electoral Roll is a way of demonstrating your willingness to help shape the future of the church. It enables you to participate and vote in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting as well as hold a position of office in the church, it might not sound exciting but it is an important thing we need to do as a church.

Whilst the roll is updated every year, every 6 years each parish of the Church of England prepares a new electoral roll and 2025 sees this taking place. To be on the electoral roll you must be:

•    16 yrs or over
•    Be baptised
•    Either live in the parish or have attended the church regularly for at least 6 months

You can apply by filling in your details on the forms that will be available in the Churches of The Polden Wheel from 1st March. Simply fill it in and return it to the individuals named on the Notice of Preparation displayed from 1st March in each of the Churches. These forms must be returned completed by 4th April.

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